The Liddell Cup List

The Liddell Cup

Awarded for outstanding voluntary service to the community in Abbotts Ann
Awarded for a specific, single and significant project achievement on behalf of the community
Awarded by the Abbotts Ann War Memorial Hall Committee in memory of Andrew Liddell
In recognition of such a project achievement the Liddell Cup has been awarded to:

2016/2017 Gordon Howard – refurbishment of St Mary’s Church

2017/2018 Not awarded – no suitable project had been completed

2018/2019 Neil Palmer – renewal of flat roof of War Memorial Hall

2019/2020 Not awarded – no suitable project had been completed

2020/2021 John and Christina Benson – COVID-19 Support Group

2021/2022 Keith Saunders – On-line Community Consultation

2022/2023 Chris Davis; Chair, Village Shop; 20th Birthday Party

2023/2024 Not awarded – no suitable project had been completed