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Abbotts Ann WI

The information on these pages has been compiled from various records of the Institute dating back to the late 1920’s including minutes and scrapbooks.

Copyright © 2000 – 2011 Abbotts Ann & Little Ann Womens Institute
The content of these W.I. pages are the property of the contributing members of the W.I.


Abbotts Ann W.I. was formed in 1917 so yes that means we are now officially a hundred. We meet on the last Thursday of the month in Abbotts Ann War Memorial Hall at 7.30 p.m.  New members are always welcome and we enjoy having visitors but there is no obligation to join. In addition to …

History of the Institute

The Institute was formed in December 1917, and was a founding member of the Hampshire Federation in 1918. During 1921 members assisted in raising funds for the erection of a brick building on land donated to the village for a playground in 1919, this was to replace two huts destroyed by fire in February 1921. In …


Committee for 2023 – 2024 PRESIDENT: Lynne Lucas Telephone: 01264 710037 VICE PRESIDENTS: Sharon King Telephone: 01264 335630 Sue George Telephone: 01264 353591 SECRETARY: Aileen Catterson  Telephone: 01264 710268 COMMITTEE MEMBERS: Wanda Crane, Lynda Goldstone, Sarah Kirby & Gill Page    


Programme for 2024 – 2025 MEETNGS ARE HELD IN THE VILLAGE HALL  STARTING AT 7.30 P.M. UNLESS STATED OTHERWISE    2024   June 25 Garden Meeting:  Visit to Featherstone’s Flower Farm (2 p.m.) June 30 Afternoon Tea Party (Fundraising event) July 25 Meeting – Plant Swap/Sale August 08 Summer Outing – Tower of London  September …

WI Picture Gallery

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