Abbotts Ann

Fete 2024 June Update

We are beginning to shape up plans and are pleased to announce the following fete entertainment:-

  • Our local ukulele group Uke@heart directed by Anne Dudley will be a great folk music addition. We’ll be hearing more details on their planned performance in July.
  • Local Storyteller Amanda Kane Smith. Amanda specialises in interactive storytelling workshops. She combines music and movement with traditional storytelling to create an energetic and engaging storytelling experience.
  • Our village handbells group will be performing once more. Having purchased 2 new bells with their recent fete grant they have extended their musical repertoire demonstrated in a recent morning church service with a beautiful rendition of Pachelbell Canon. A group of wonderful talent in the heart of our village.
  • We are also very lucky to have secured a booking with the Blue Apple Singers based in Winchester. Blue Apple supports people with learning disabilities to act, dance, sing and present high quality productions to the widest possible audiences locally, nationally and internationally. This unique troupe of songsters
    shine new light on songs you thought you knew and also bring new work to fresh audiences. Whatever the weather, they bring sunshine to any festival, and it is impossible to watch them without smiling, joining in and having any wavering faith in humanity utterly restored!
  • Abbotts Ann Primary School will be giving another superb display of country dancing which is always a joy to watch.

In July we will give more fete updates and start to sell raffle tickets.
Many thanks for your continued support which is so much appreciated

If you’d like to volunteer please could you contact me on mobile 07718900856 or

Thank you for your continued support
Best wishes


Fete Chair
Phone 07718 900856