Abbotts Ann

WI Newsletter – April 2009

We are the champions – well our skittles team are anyway – being the winners of Hampshire Federation’s annual skittles competition for 2009.

Having won their group heat and semi-final our team, Diana Cooper, Cecilia Cotton, Maureen Evans, Sharon King, Karen Nicholls & Carol Taylor attended the final at the Winchester Club on 28th April supported by our President, Val Downing, and after a nail biting final round won by a margin of two skittles. Lynn Andrews, recently elected as Hampshire Federation’s Chairman, congratulated the team and presented the trophy.

Our walking group did not stray far from home this month as they walked along the Ladies Walk, which offers panoramic views across Andover, to Cowdown and back again – this time finishing by sampling the wares of the Queen Charlotte public house.

A familiar face to many villagers, Geoff Dinkele was our “surprise” guest speaker at this month’s meeting – reminiscing with us as he showed a lovely selection of slides from his time at Cambridge University.

Diary Dates:

09 May – Walking Group

19 May – Book Club

28 May – Meeting at 7.30 p.m. in the Village Hall

03 June – AGM Royal Albert Hall

08 June – Quiz team taking part in annual competition

13 June – Walking Group

25 June – Garden meander around the village – starting at the Village Hall

Traditionally May will see us debate the Resolution to be presented at our AGM in June and this year it is concern over the diminishing number of honeybees that will be occupying our minds – however, you are still welcome to join us if you wish, as there will still be time for tea and chat.

Sharon King